Latest Cornwall Jobs

Position Employer Sector Date Posted
Tourism Officer City of Cornwall Government September 26, 2024
Éducatrice aux jeunes, à l’enfance et à la famille Children’s Aid Society of the United Counties of SDG Education September 25, 2024
Database Administrator St. Lawrence Seaway Transportation September 24, 2024
Executive Assistant St. Lawrence Seaway Transportation September 24, 2024
Financial Analyst St. Lawrence Seaway Transportation September 24, 2024
Director of Community Services Township of North Glengarry Government September 23, 2024
Admin/Bookkeeper Red Ribbon Accounting Finance September 23, 2024
Registered Early Childhood Educator (Winchester) Glengarry Inter-Agency Group Education September 23, 2024
Registered Early Childhood Educator (Longue Sault) Glengarry Inter-Agency Group Education September 23, 2024
Enhanced Support Educator (Bridgewood) Glengarry Inter-Agency Group Education September 23, 2024

The numbers add up to Choosing Cornwall

In Cornwall, you can have it all. Our growing community is beautiful, safe, and friendly. You’ll find everything you need to enjoy an exceptional quality of life, and what makes Cornwall a great place to do business is that locating in our community will give you the best chance to succeed—no matter the size of your business.


Average housing price (Jan 2023)

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Savings in electrical rates

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Cost of an acre in the Cornwall Business Park

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The growing community of Cornwall is beautiful, safe and friendly. You’ll find everything you need to enjoy an exceptional quality of life.
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Access to markets, an available workforce, low cost of doing business, and high quality of life make Cornwall a perfect place to do business
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In Cornwall, there’s no limit to the things you can do and explore. Make the most of your time in the city with maps, newsletters and other community resources.
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